Working Together - delivering more homes
Formed in 2004, the North River Alliance is a development consortium of Locally based Housing Associations working together in North, North East and East London.
As an alliance of small and medium sized RPs we are able to take advantage of the full range of development opportunities. We are always looking for new development sites and our flexibility means that we can deliver everything from small infill schemes to the largest mixed use developments. We welcome opportunities offered by s.106 agreements.
Delivering New Homes
Since we were set up in 2004, the NRA has developed over 3,300 new homes for London and we are proud that over 2,200 of these were for rent.
Building Communities
We take a pragmatic approach to development and will consider sites of any size. We have a successful track record of buying sites and developing them for rent and sale; we are also interested in good quality section 106 opportunities.
Our focus is on the delivery of new build homes for rent and shared ownership but we have also delivered new housing on sites with a commercial element and some members of the Alliance have experience of developing homes for private sale.